Wednesday, September 24, 2014


"How old are your kids?" which is inevitably followed by the words or the facial expression of "How old are you?"

I can't begin to tell you the number of times this conversation has happened over the last few years. Genetics and a healthy lifestyle has blessed me with an appearance far younger than my actual age. Although many women would love to look younger than they are, I find it difficult for people to take me seriously when they believe I am still a "child".

There was a post on FaceBook that I came across which I immediately connected with.

Since I was very young I have observed everything around me. I learned many things about life, relationships, health, business... and the list goes on, simply by watching, listening, and investigating things that were heard or seen by the people around me. Although I may look young, I have a vast amount of knowledge and wisdom that few people benefit from because they underestimate how someone "so young" could have anything worthwhile to contribute.

Are there people in your life that you underestimate or even ignore because you see them as too young or inexperienced? Take an opportunity to listen to what they have to say. They may just surprise you with their insight.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

No More Excuses!

As some of you may know, my partner and I have been running a business from home. To be honest, my partner has been working on it and I've been helping out here and there. Since being a mother of two young children and going to school full-time, I had decided that those things came first and the business would get done if I found the time.

Over the past two years, while I have been in school, we have been struggling to pay our bills. Most months we must decide who will get paid and who will have to wait so that we can spend that money on gas and food. For a couple months now, I have tried to figure out why our business is not bringing in the kind of money we need (not to mention what we'd like). In talking to a friend of mine, she suggested reading a book entitled Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker. I highly recommend that everyone reads this book, regardless of where you are in your life.

Since reading this book, I've discovered that I have been hiding behind my schooling so that I didn't have to do the work to help build our business. It was my partner's business and I was just helping out... or so I convinced myself so that I wouldn't have to step out of my comfort zone and actually put my years of networking marketing exposure to the test.

No more excuses!  I have decided that the only way to build our business and feel good about the progress that we're making is to put the work in myself. I cannot expect someone else to do all the work while I wait to reap the benefits. From today forward, I will strive to live with no excuses. No excuses for not having the money to pay bills, No excuses for not having new people to connect with... or connecting with old ones. No excuses on why I can't spend time with my family, go to school, and build a prosperous business. Money and time will no longer be an obstacle in my life's journey. I will no longer blame others for things that I have complete control over.

I encourage all of you to pick up a copy of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind and decide today that nothing will ever hold you back either. Have a fun and prosperous day!

Monday, May 10, 2010

To School or Not to School

Ever since my daughter was getting ready to start school three years ago, I have wrestled with the idea of homeschooling. I had a limited experience with homeschooling when I was growing up. My mom taught my brother and I when I was in senior kindergarten and grade two. I have fond memories of working with my family in the mornings and being able to play or go on field trips during the afternoon.

It seems that almost every week there are stories about cut-backs in the public schools, children attacking the teachers, and don't get me started on the overall lack of respect for elders in today's children. The more I look at how the education system is lacking, the more I want to teach my children so I can make sure that they learn all that they can.

With the flexibility of my home business and the ability to travel often, having the children home schooled seems like a great option that will allow the children to experience life. It also keeps me from having to take them out of school whenever we'd like to travel for business or pleasure, which right now is a minimum of two weeks during the school year.

I spent a good time researching various different methods of teaching and available curriculum options. I've read up on how-to and organizing your day, etc.

So where does this leave me. I'm currently trying to put together a "trial" summer school program to see how homeschooling works for both the kids and myself. Doing it over the summer time will allow me to try homeschooling without having to take them out of school first. I am still asking around for advice on homeschooling and being able to successful have time to run a business from my home.

Have any ideas or helpful information, please pass it on to me.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

And then there was one

I know that there are many people out there with a family that get things done taking public transit or sharing one car. Unfortunately, I have become accustom to having my own vehicle to get around. They say you don't truly realize what you have until it's gone. I completely agree with this statement. This week my partner's car decided that it would stop working right after he filled it up with gas. We checked everything we could think of but there was no easy fix. Finally we had to tow it back to the house until we could figure out what we wanted to do with it. Fixing it or replacing it is not really an option at this time.

But as with most things that happen in our lives, there must be a reason for it. Because of the car problems, my partner was able to speak with three people about our business that he wouldn't otherwise have met. Trying to juggle my half hour drive to school and picking up my daughter from her school while I'm still in class may prove to be a challenge. We are currently figuring out how we will be able to make that work without blowing our whole budget on gas. Having to be dropped off and picked up for school so that the car is available to pick up the kids will cost us double what we were currently paying for gas.

Going down to one car has given my partner and I extra incentive to build our home business. Put a fire under us, so-to-speak. After our recent company convention a couple weeks ago, we were already fired up. The business is so rewarding and beneficial to achieving our dreams that I don't understand why others don't see how wonderful an opportunity it is.

Since I have no school today, I am going to make the most of this day. Time to sign off and get to house work, school work, and building the business.

Wishing every one a happy and prosperous day!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

A New Hope

I recently posted regarding my son's skin issues. This post was actually written last year but was never posted until recently. In the time between when I wrote it and today, I have finally found something that works for my son.

During our research into better foods for my son, we came across a lady named Lori. We originally approached her as a nutritionist to provide us with suggestions and resources on foods that we could feed the family. Lori introduced us to a little-known botanical called the mangosteen. She explained to us the healing properties that had been studied and used for hundreds of years. She also told her how this amazing fruit had helped with her Bell's Palsy. After asking us if we'd like to try the juice that she had, we accepted. What's one more thing; nothing else had been working.

We've had my son, and the entire family, on the mangosteen juice since June 2009. My son's skin condition still "flares up" now and again but nowhere near the degree that it has in past years. We have also found that he is more attentive, happier, and developing faster. All these benefits and his skin is looking great!

A Problem with Food

My son has had eczema since he was 3 months old. For the first year his eczema was quite severe and covered almost his entire body. Since then, he has had varying degrees from barely there to sudden red, itchy flare-ups. However, his rash has never completely gone away.

The more research I do into his condition, the more lack of information I find. The medical industry is still uncertain as to what causes it and really how to cure it. The only thing they can offer is some suggestions on things to avoid that may cause the rash to become irritated. I am a huge advicousy of natural and alternative medicines. In February 2009, since typical medicine has been unable to help me, I brought my son to a naturopathic doctor to see if she could shed some light on what might be causing my son's problems.

As part of the naturopathic treatment, I had a IgA test done to see which common foods may be causing a sensitive reaction in my son's body. The test result came back last month with a list of approximately 30 items that he should avoid on a regular basis. For the past month, my partner and I have had to figure out what we can make that my son can have and both my children will eat. His sensitivities include, but are not limited to: dairy (milk, cheese, etc.), eggs, gluten (wheat, starch, most flours), soy, most nuts, casein, garlic, onions. Until his sensitivities are better controlled by his body, he should also avoid having the following more than a couple times a week: potatoes, tomatoes, corn, and a few others.

We definitely have our work cut out for us.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Tis the Season

As with many families this year, Christmas is going to be a tight one. The children will get to open a few presents but we are not going crazy with the gift giving this year. It is important to us that the children learn to appreciate what they have and recognize that not everyone is blessed with a full closet, a full toy box, and a full tummy. There are many children around the world that are happy just to have food this Christmas.

In an effort to encourage "the spirit of Christmas", my family has decided that all the children will make gifts for each other. My mission over this next week is to come up with some exciting crafts that my kids can make for each of their cousins. At the end of the holidays, my house will be a mess, my stress level may rise several levels, but my children with have some very special gifts that were not bought at a store - they were made with love.

Through our family's charitable efforts, we help feed starving children and promote the great work that is being done for people that are not as fortunate as most North Americans. We offer hope to those who would like something more important than a gift that I have purchased at the closest toy store.

Want more information on our charitable program? Visit